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About MAS

The Minnesota Aquarium Society (MAS) is an aquarium club that promotes all aspects of the aquarium hobby, including aquarium fish, plants and invertebrates. The club was founded in 1931 and incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of Minnesota in 1956. The mission of MAS is to Help Aquarists Be More Successful.

At the time of this writing (September, 2023), MAS has over 300 members. Since the Covid pandemic, most club activities have been moved on-line. Where possible, some activities will move back to in-person events. MAS activities are organized and executed under the direction of its Board of Directors. The Board conducts its activities in accordance with MAS By-Laws. Board meetings are held monthly, usually on the third Thursday of every month. Meetings are open to all current members. If you are interested in attending a Board meeting, please send an email to to confirm the time and receive a ZOOM log-in. MAS By-Laws and minutes from the latest Board of Director meeting are posted here.

MAS Programs

Membership Programs: Monthly membership meetings are typically scheduled for the first Thursday of every month (except July). After a short introduction of upcoming club activities, each meeting features a topic-driven presentation featuring a nationally recognized expert in a relevant field. Visit the home page to find a link to pre-register for the ZOOM meeting. (Only pre-registrants will receive the personalized link to log-in at the meeting.) Following the presentation, attendees may choose to stay with the presenter for Q&A or move to a themed breakout room for moderated discussions.

Auctions: MAS conducts virtual auctions 5 times a year where members can list items for purchase and bid on listed items. Sellers are limited to a maximum of 25 items for sale with no more than 4 bags of any one species/biotype. Items which do not receive a minimum $5 bid will be removed from the auction.

Auctions typically start at 10 am on a Wednesday and run through 10 pm the following Wednesday. Sellers can list items beginning at 8 am on Wednesday through 10 pm the following Tuesday. An invoice will be issued to successful bidders following the end of the auction and payment is due via PayPal by midnight Thursday. Payments made after Thursday will be subject to a $10 late charge. Sales for which payment was not made by 10 pm Friday will be cancelled. Repeated violators may be banned from future participation. Sellers are expected to drop off their items at a designated location on the following Saturday by 10 am. Buyers can pick up their purchases beginning 10:30 am. MAS is switching to a new auction software which may enable participation by remote members in the future.
Breeder/Horticulturalist Awards Programs (BAP/HAP): MAS conducts BAP and HAP programs to encourage breeding/propagation of aquarium fish, invertebrate and plant species. Members who have successfully multiplied these species are encouraged to pass them onto other members in return for BAP/HAP points, leading to recognition and commemorative awards. The BAP group organizes its own ZOOM meetings every month to trade and discuss breeding tips. MAS is seeking a volunteer to lead similar HAP activities.

Plant Extravaganza: MAS annually organizes a Plant Extravaganza event (typically in November) to introduce aquarists to a diversity of aquarium plants which can enhance their hobby activities. Members will be able to purchase plants (in person) at significant discounts and receive information on how to raise and successfully propagate them. Information on Plant Extravaganza activities are posted 30 days prior.
Summer Picnic: MAS members are invited to join fellow aquarists at an annual picnic, usually held in August at the Highland Park Shelter in St. Paul. The club provides brats, burgers, hot dogs, etc. Members are encouraged to bring non-alcoholic liquid refreshments.

Annual Show: In years past, MAS has organized an annual fish exposition in Hagfors Hall at Augsburg University in March. The 1-day exposition, which is open to the public, includes fish competitions, invited speakers, aquarium displays and a large swap meet with vendors of aquarium accoutrements. Raffles and auctions of donated items are conducted multiple times during the day. The 2023 exposition was cancelled due to Covid-related circumstances. Anyone interested in helping MAS put together another show is encouraged to contact us via
Minnesota Aquarium Society
Suite 391
2355 Fairview Ave N.
Roseville, MN 55113